Devotional article for The Greybull Standard
and The Republican Rustler
Glory is Given to God by The Gospel
We Lutherans celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this year. Not so much because the Reformation was the birth of “Lutheranism”, for that is really not all that interesting. After all, “Lutheran” is not a name we have chosen ourselves; others have given it to us. No, what is important about the Reformation is that the truth of God was restored to His Church after having been forgotten. And for us Lutherans, the truth of God is precious, that “by grace you have been saved,” as God has had His Apostle Paul write it, “and this not of yourselves, rather, it is the gift of God; not by works that no one may boast.” In other words, that eternal life is given to us out freely of the goodness of God, with the forgiveness of sins He Himself has won for us with the sufferings and death of His beloved Son.
As Lutherans, though, we do not only cling to this precious truth because it is so precious to us, but also because it is the command of God that we do!
Throughout Holy Scripture God commands His people to uphold His truth and shy away from false teachings. In fact, in all the warnings against division found in Holy Scripture, those who cause division and from whom Christians are commanded to separate themselves are identified as those who promote different teachings, contrary to the Word of God. And the unity our Lord Jesus calls for among His Christians is unity in a common confession of His truth.
This can hardly come as a surprise to anyone; obviously, being indifferent to the Word and will of God is not the way to honour Him!
But particularly God wants His Christians to honour His Gospel, that is: His Word of salvation. For it is in His Word of salvation that God shows the fullness of His goodness. In upholding His Word of salvation we give glory to God for that which is the most glorious to Himself. For nothing is more precious to God than our salvation; so good is God, so great is His love for us!
And God demands that we glorify Him by upholding His Gospel, also, because He not only wishes us well, but also actually will make all things well for His beloved. And it is through His Word of salvation that His salvation actually comes to us sinners. And it is only through His Word of salvation that Christians can have the comfort and confidence and assurance of salvation that He intends for His Children to have. So good is God. And for that, He should and must be glorified. That is why Lutherans care about true doctrine; as all Christians should.
Pastor Jais H. Tinglund
Grace Lutheran Church, Greybull/Zion Lutheran Church, Emblem